Example: You find the Atla containing Bill and the Atla containing Bill's house. After discovering more Atla, you can put the respective person(s) in their homes and replace all of their items. You can select various landmarks like the town windmill or tree and place them where you want. Once you are out of a dungeon and have some Atla, you can switch to walking mode, which allows you to see the town from a birds eye view. Speaking of towns, here is where Dark Cloud truly gets original for an RPG. Getting all the Atla in the dungeons is a definite plus, as you will undoubtedly need it all in order to return the towns to their rightful places. I found this to be a useful tool, because the screen shows you how many levels you have completed and whether or not you collected all of the Atla for that level. Upon returning to the dungeon, you can pick up right where you left off, on the new level you had previously just discovered. If you go back to the surface, you can heal up and get more equipment. Upon completing a level of a dungeon, you are asked whether or not you would like to continue on, or go back to the surface. Once you enter the dungeons, you use the power of the Atlamillia to free the imprisoned townsfolk and buildings all while battling monsters, bats, etc. And with that, you are given your first challenge: recreate your village and you start with the dungeon located to the South.
Dark cloud 2 pc rom how to#
Controlling Toan (the elfish fella) is easy enough he is given brief tutorials from the Spirit King as he runs around the 3D area, which instruct him how to fight, lock on to enemies and navigate the dungeons that contain the Atla. As you start the game you are an elfish looking fella (who looks a lot like Link from Zelda) who runs around his empty village.
Starting up, Dark Cloud is the first RPG I can recall having not one, but two dance sequences in the opening 12 minute intro, after which the game begins.
Dark cloud 2 pc rom ps2#
Combined they make for the best RPG the PS2 has so far (I know, that's not saying a lot), but I must applaud Sony for trying some new and different ideas in the RPG genre. Alone, these elements are weak and boring. There, with that out of the way it is safe to say that Dark Cloud borrows elements from each one of these games. Gameplay, Controls, Interfaceīefore I start, I'd like to mention a few things: SimCity, Shenmue, Zelda 64, Vagrant Story, Tomb Raider, Bass Fishing. Strap in for the long haul because rebuilding towns and adventuring in this world will take you a long, long time. Dungeon crawl, find allies, battle bosses and rebuild the world (improving it in some cases) in order to find the clues you'll need to defeat Flag and his Dark Genie.